Arete College's Spring Term Elective Courses Begin

In addition to specialized major courses, Arete College also has elective courses that focus on exploring students' interests and abilities. In the first month of the semester, preparatory and first-year students joined elective courses voluntarily: "Improvisational Drama and Potential Development," "Drucker's Five Classic Questions," and "PBL Entrepreneurship Project."

"Improvisational drama and Potential Development" is a sensory training session led by the teacher, with a one-hour presentation at the end of the session. At the end of the semester, students will perform impromptu in front of an audience, which tests their emotional intelligence, reaction ability and imagination. Everyone participates in the interaction, not a minute is dull!


 △Teacher leading the students in summarizing the class

"Drucker's Five Classic Questions" is a course brought to students by Dean Wang of Arete College. The name is the content. The five questions are simple, but thought-provoking and introspective. They are applicable to many aspects and all forms of institutions. This is an important lesson for Arete College, which aims to train future entrepreneurs.


The full name of PBL is project-based Learning. Project-based Learning enables students to start with their interests, and with the motivation to explore further, they can exercise various abilities in this process, which will have great benefits both now and in the future! The PBL program also includes business visits, where students will have the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs and hear their stories.



△Students discussing on the issues of business visiting