Arete Annual Individual Development Plan Seminar

The Development Plan programme is a key feature of Arete College. After a mutual selection process, each student is assigned a mentor who assists the student in developing their own termly goals and development plan based on their interests, development goals, strengths and expertise, and pending competencies, and achieves them with in-depth weekly interactions. Arete College also provides systematic support for students and mentors.


Jenny, who is in charge of the programme

On 5 June, Arete College held its end-of-term IDP sharing session, where students and teachers talked about their experiences in teaching each other.

Jenny, who coordinates the IDP programme, opened the session with a review of the academic year. Overall, 80% of the students agreed with the meaning and role of the IDP, although the first year students were more involved and understood it better than the preparatory students. Nearly 90% of the students were satisfied with their IDP tutors and nearly 80% were satisfied with their IDP programme in general. 


In the minds of the first year students, the three main impacts of the IDP were: 1) more opportunities to talk and express themselves, 2) a better understanding of where they were going and 3) a greater sense of purpose and motivation. Interestingly, although the first two items were consistent, the matriculants felt that the IDP had "improved their reflective skills" more than their sense of purpose and motivation.




After the review, the students shared their IDP stories and experiences.

Almost every student mentioned that after a full year of IDP, they had developed a deep friendship with their mentor and had become close partners.

This transformation started with confidences and listening, based on trust and confidentiality, and eventually led to unconditional acceptance and support. And relationships are the starting point for all motivation.

It may be that a year has passed and the goals they set themselves have not been achieved, or that some students can only remember two of their three goals when they recall them. What is important is that they have developed a mindset of "set goals, make plans and achieve them step by step".

Although the IDP programme at Arete College ended when the students graduated, the habits that came with the IDPs have been ingrained in the students' minds.