Dare to be different, dare to be yourself! Arete Class of 2022 on their way to the world!
Sunday, June 18th, 2pm.Shanghai, China. The closing ceremony of the Arete Academy opened.▲Arete Musi......
Arete Outstanding Clubs Awards are hotly anticipated
Recently, Arete College held the 2022-2023 Outstanding Clubs Awards. The Music Club was voted as the......
World Civilisations in Museums at Bund One Art Museum
On 9 June, the popular Arete College elective course, "World Civilisations in Museums", was introduc......
The American University Council recognizes Arete College's AP program.
Recently, Arete College's application for AP codes to the American University Council was succes......
Arete Annual Individual Development Plan Seminar
The Development Plan programme is a key feature of Arete College. After a mutual selection process, ......
First Arete Grammy Festival Ended Successfully!
The "student-teacher collaboration" is one of the main features of the Arete College. Students can g......
UK and US visa guidance and pre-travel seminar went well!
Recently, many of our first year students have received offers from overseas universities and some a......
Energetic and Youthful! Arete's First Sports Day Successfully Held
On May 10thIn the name of sports, an appointment to the field.First Sports Day of Arete College succ......
7 Warriors of Arete College Completed the "One Egg Walk" to Raise Funds for Children in Need
The "One Egg Walk" is a large scale charity walk initiated by Shanghai United Foundation in 2011. Pa......
"Arete Enterprise Visit" to Haitong Securities Investor Education Base
The destination of the Second Arete Enterprise Visit of this semester was the Investor Education Cen......